Solar Inverters

Generating Renewable Electricity From DC To AC

How do solar panel Inverters work?

A solar inverter is a crucial component in a solar energy system. It performs the essential function of converting the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity. This conversion is important because most home appliances and the electric grid operate on AC electricity, not DC.

Here’s a breakdown of its key functions:

  1. DC to AC Conversion: Solar panels produce electricity in DC, but homes and businesses use AC power. The solar inverter changes the DC power from the panels into usable AC power.
  2. Maximizing Energy Production: Many solar inverters are equipped with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology. This ensures that the solar panels operate at their most efficient point under various conditions, like changing sunlight and temperature, maximizing the energy production.
  3. Grid Interaction: For systems connected to the electrical grid (grid-tied systems), the inverter can synchronize the AC power it produces with the grid’s power. This includes matching the voltage, frequency, and phase of the grid electricity.
  4. Monitoring and Management: Modern solar inverters also provide monitoring features, allowing homeowners and businesses to track the performance of their solar panels, including energy production and system health.
  5. Safety and Compliance: Inverters ensure that the solar system complies with safety standards. For example, they can automatically shut down the solar system in case of a power outage (a feature known as anti-islanding) for the safety of utility workers who might be repairing the grid.

There are various types of solar inverters, including string inverters, microinverters, and power optimizers, each with its own specific advantages and applications depending on the solar energy system’s size and requirements.

Why Choose Solar Panels For Your Home

Are Growatt Solar Panel Inverters Right For Me?

Growatt is a distinguished manufacturer of photovoltaic (PV) inverters, catering to a global market with products suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial solar energy systems. Their offerings include on-grid, off-grid, and storage inverters, each designed to optimize energy efficiency and performance.

Key Features of Growatt Inverters:

  1. High Efficiency: Growatt solar inverters boast a maximum efficiency of 97.6%, ensuring optimal energy conversion.
  2. Wide Input Voltage Range: This feature allows the inverters to be versatile and compatible with various solar setups.
  3. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT): With an accuracy exceeding 99.5%, MPPT technology in Growatt inverters maximizes energy extraction, adapting effectively to changing weather conditions.
  4. Remote Management: These inverters support full monitoring control, remote firmware upgrades, and site-specific settings, making them highly adaptable and easy to manage.
  5. Technical Support: Growatt provides outcall technical support, a crucial service for maintenance and repairs.
  6. Warranty: The standard 10-year warranty, extendable to 20 years, underscores the reliability of Growatt inverters.
  7. Power Capacity Range: For on-grid systems, typically used in residential setups, the power capacity ranges from 1 kW to 100 kW. In contrast, off-grid and storage inverters cover a power range from 1 kW to 630 kW.
  8. Applications: Ideal for roof-mounted solar panels, these inverters convert DC power into AC power, enhancing the efficiency of solar systems. Adding a battery system to the solar panels and inverter can lead to greater long-term savings and improved efficiency.

Beyond inverters, Growatt also manufactures solar batteries, EV charger systems, and smart energy management solutions, contributing to a comprehensive range of products that support renewable energy setups, including solar power and wind turbines.

Growatt’s emphasis on efficiency, adaptability, and customer support, combined with their diverse product range, positions them as a significant player in the renewable energy industry, particularly in the realm of solar power solutions.

Why Choose Teevo Energy?

Customised  Solutions

At Teevo Energy, we work with you to provide solutions tailored to your specific needs and affordability. We understand that investing in renewable energy solutions can be a significant financial commitment. That’s why we offer easy financing options to make the switch to solar more accessible for our customers

Expertise in Solar & Renewable Energy

Our team of experienced professionals are experts in the field of solar and renewable energy and are all trained or trainee electricians or engineers. We can provide solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements, big or small.

Free No-Obligation Consultations

We offer free, no-obligation consultations to help you determine the best solutions for your home or business. We will start with a quotation based on your requirements and if it’s affordable for you, we can work from there.

Licensed and Insured

Teevo Energy is a fully licensed and insured Electrical and Solar Engineering Firm, ensuring the safety and security of your property and investments is our main priority.

Need help with solar panels for your home? Get in touch today. Nationwide Coverage

Other Frequently Asked Questions?

Where is the Solar Inverter Installed In The Property?

In your home, the solar inverter is typically installed in a loft or garage space. The direct current (DC) cables, emanating from your solar panels, lead into a specialized DC isolator switch. This is a crucial step in the setup, as it ensures safety and effective power management. The cables are then connected to the inverter. It’s important that the inverter is appropriately matched to your solar panel array’s size, measured in kilowatts peak (KWp). This ensures optimal efficiency and compatibility with the specific solar modules installed on your roof.

The inverter’s placement is also key. It needs to be situated in a spot that is not obstructed, allowing for unimpeded airflow around it. This is important for maintaining its operational integrity and cooling efficiency. Additionally, the inverter should be mounted on a fire-retardant board. This board must be securely attached to stable structural elements of the building, like roof members or the gable end, to ensure safety and stability.

From the inverter, an alternating current (AC) cable is routed downwards to another isolation switch, this time for AC. This setup includes a solar generation meter, which monitors and records the electricity produced by the solar panels. The AC cable is then connected to a 16-amp mini circuit breaker within the property’s consumer unit. This breaker is a crucial component that protects your electrical system from overloads or short circuits.

Once this entire system is connected to the national grid, your solar installation is ready to start generating electricity. At this point, you’ll begin producing your own electrical power, contributing to your home’s energy needs and potentially reducing your reliance on external power sources.

Can I add a battery to my solar Inverter system?

Yes, you can add a battery to your solar inverter system. This addition is quite common in solar power setups, especially for those seeking to store excess solar energy for use during non-sunny periods or as a backup power source. Here are some key points to consider when adding a battery to your solar inverter system:

  1. Compatibility: Ensure that your inverter is compatible with a battery system. Some inverters are designed to work with batteries (these are often called hybrid inverters), while others are not. If your current inverter isn’t compatible, you may need to replace it or add a compatible inverter.
  2. Battery Type: There are different types of batteries available, such as lead-acid, lithium-ion, and saltwater batteries. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, lifespan, capacity, and maintenance requirements.
  3. Capacity and Size: The capacity of the battery should match your energy needs. Larger batteries can store more energy but are more expensive. Consider how much energy you use during the hours when solar energy is not available.
  4. Charging Control: Your system should have a way to control the charging of the battery to maximize its lifespan. Overcharging or deep discharging can reduce the battery’s efficiency and lifespan.
  5. Installation and Safety: Proper installation is crucial for safety and performance. Batteries should be installed in a location that’s protected from extreme temperatures and moisture. Also, safety measures such as fuses and circuit breakers should be in place.
  6. Cost and Return on Investment: Adding a battery involves additional costs. Evaluate the cost against the potential savings and benefits to determine if it’s a worthwhile investment for your situation.
  7. Regulations and Incentives: Check for any local regulations regarding battery installation and see if there are any incentives or subsidies available in your area for battery storage systems.
  8. Maintenance: Some battery types require more maintenance than others. Regular check-ups are important to ensure the system is operating efficiently and safely.
  9. Professional Advice: It’s often beneficial to consult with a solar energy professional who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and needs.

To find out more information about our Solar battery Storage Systems Pleas Click Here

How long does it take to install Solar Panels?

The process of installing solar panels in a domestic setting is generally efficient and minimally disruptive, often completed within a single day. The preparation for the installation typically begins a few days earlier, with the setup of scaffolding to ensure safe access to the roof. On the day of installation, a specialized team arrives to meticulously mount the solar panels onto the roof. They use precision and care to ensure the panels are correctly aligned and securely attached. Following this, the team installs an inverter, an essential component that converts the solar energy into usable electricity for the home. The final stage of the installation involves careful internal wiring, connecting the solar panel system to the home’s electrical network. This process is done with attention to safety and efficiency, ensuring a smooth integration of the solar energy system into the home’s existing electrical infrastructure.

Is there a danger my Solar Panels will blow off the roof during a storm?

When installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, we adopt rigorous measures to ensure their secure attachment to the building’s structure. This is achieved using a robust and reliable roof hook and rail system, which anchors the panels firmly to the building. To further enhance stability and reduce the risk of wind damage, we always mount our panels at a minimum distance of 30 centimeters from the roof’s edge. This strategic positioning is crucial in mitigating the effects of excessive wind loading on the panels. Our commitment to safety and durability was exemplified during the hurricane-force winds experienced in February 2014. Throughout this extreme weather event, not a single solar panel installed by Teevo Energy was dislodged or blown off from any roof, underscoring the effectiveness of our installation approach and the resilience of our mounting system.

Teevo Energy – HEG – KCD Electrical 

Homeowners to pay 0% VAT on solar panels

Since April 2022, solar products are VAT exempt.

The UK’s initiatives to push green energy into private households and businesses is just the beginning of a green and clean future. We can only hope that this incentivises people to make energy efficient choices for their properties.

This will save you ££££s on your solar panel installation!



Our Solar PV Packages include everything you need to generate and store your Solar energy. By installing both Solar Panels and Solar Batteries, you can generate and store solar energy to be used at any time! Making your home more energy independent and increasing your overall savings.

Optimized Solar Systems

Tigo technology offers higher energy output through your PV power optimisers and solar inverters, exceptional safety features, and advanced module-level monitoring for your Solar PV System

Solar & Battery Storage

By adding Solar Panels and Battery Storage to your property, you can reduce your annual energy bills by up to 70%. Solar PV Systems, generate electricity directly from the sun, avoiding the use of fossil fuels, and focusing solely on green energy.

Optimized Solar & Battery Storage

By combining both optimisers and Battery storage to your Solar PV system you are now benefiting from maximizing your generation from your solar PV panels and storing everything that you would normally export, to use when you really need the power.

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