Hanchu 3.2kWh HPD Lithium

100% Depth Of Discharge


HPD Lithium

Usable Capacity

100% DOD

24/7 Monitoring

Full Online & App Monitoring

Hanchu Ess is a renowned producer of renewable technologies and battery storage systems. Their domestic and commercial battery offerings enjoy widespread global distribution, commanding a significant market presence. They have pioneered a suite of batteries that advance the standards of performance, temperature regulation, surveillance, and technical assistance. Even though they have recently ventured into the UK market, their expertise in the battery storage sector is time-tested. Their entry into the domestic battery storage scene has undoubtedly set new benchmarks in almost every facet of performance and tech innovation. With a niche in offering online connectivity for individual units, they introduce a fresh perspective for both installers and end-users. The ability to remotely monitor the health of every battery ensures swift and straightforward support, accessible with just a computer connection.

Check Out Our Hanchu 3.2kWh Overview Video

HPD Lithium Cells

HPD – High Power Density Lithium Cells – Fast Charge & Discharge Rates

12 Years Warranty

Technology so powerful, it comes with 12 Years Warranty as standard

Online Monitoring

Full Online & App monitoring for each individual battery

Hanchu 3.2kWH,

The Only Lithium Battery with HPD Lithium – (High Powered Density Lithium Cells)

Why do Hanchu use HPD Lithium?

Hanchu’s HPD Lithium cells are a more compact and streamlined variant of lithium technology. Designed to offer a smaller yet potent lithium battery to the market, these cells are a testament to innovation. Utilized within their 3.2kWh battery, they can reach an impressive 2.0kWh charge rate and a 3.0kWh discharge rate from just one battery! The advanced nature of this technology ensures longer performance compared to other standard lithium batteries available in the UK. As a result, it now boasts a 12-year manufacturer’s warranty as a default offering.

100% DOD – (Depth Of Discharge)

While many battery brands in the UK market limit you to using just 90% of the battery’s capacity, the Hanchu 3200 HPD Lithium battery offers a 100% Depth of Discharge (DOD). This means you can utilize its entire capacity, maximizing your investment and extending your energy independence from the grid.

Wide Temperature Tolerance

Our Hanchu 3200 HPD Lithium battery stands out from most other lithium batteries in the market. It retains its full charging capacity even at zero degrees and can continue charging up to -10 degrees. In contrast, other battery brands experience a significant drop in their charge rate, decreasing by half when temperatures are around 8 to 10 degrees. The high power density and compact design of our lithium cells ensure they are not as susceptible to cold temperatures as conventional lithium cells.


All our Hanchu 3200 HPD Lithium batteries are designed to be expandable. When paired with our Lux Power Tek inverters or AC systems, you have the flexibility to integrate anywhere from 1 to 8 batteries per system. Many of our clients begin with a 2 or 3 battery setup and opt to incorporate additional batteries as needed later on.

Online & App Monitoring

Every Hanchu 3200 HPD Lithium battery comes with its own modem dongle at no extra cost. Easily connect each battery to the internet for detailed monitoring through our comprehensive online customer portal or via our advanced mobile app. Connecting each battery online guarantees continuous technical support and potential future updates from the manufacturer.

You can find out more about the Hanchu Monitoring platform by clicking HERE

Our top 5 Most asked Questions Regarding Hanchu 3.2kWh Lithium Batteries

The sun’s energy has long been recognized for its abundance and potential as a sustainable energy source. With advancements in technology, we can harness this power, convert it into electricity, and store it for later use. Solar batteries play a pivotal role in this energy transformation, allowing homeowners and businesses to store solar energy and use it when the sun isn’t shining. But how do you choose the best solar battery for your needs? Here’s what you need to know:

1. Capacity

Capacity refers to the total amount of electricity a solar battery can store. It’s often measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). When considering capacity, think about your daily electricity usage. If your household uses 30 kWh per day, you might want a battery that can store at least that much, or perhaps even more, to ensure you have sufficient backup power. Remember, capacity is cumulative, so you can increase capacity by stacking multiple batteries together.

2. Efficiency

The efficiency of a solar battery indicates how much energy can be used as a percentage of the energy that has been stored. A battery with higher efficiency will provide more energy for consumption than one with lower efficiency. Round-trip efficiency, which considers the energy lost when electricity is stored and then retrieved, is a key metric to look at. For instance, if you feed 10 kWh of electricity into a battery and get 9 kWh back, your round-trip efficiency is 90%.

3. Depth of Discharge (DoD)

Depth of Discharge (DoD) refers to the percentage of a battery’s capacity that has been used. The higher the DoD, the more you can utilize the battery before you need to recharge it. Batteries degrade with every charge and discharge cycle. A high DoD means you can use more of the battery’s capacity, but it may also affect its lifespan. Look for batteries that provide a balance between high DoD and longevity.

4. Warranty

A battery’s warranty is an assurance from the manufacturer about the product’s quality and longevity. Most solar battery manufacturers will guarantee a certain number of years or cycles at a specified retained capacity. For instance, you might be offered a 5 to 10-year warranty with the battery retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Make sure to read and understand the warranty terms, as it can be a crucial determinant in your purchasing decision.

5. Lifespan

The lifespan of a solar battery refers to how long it can effectively store and discharge energy. A longer lifespan can translate to better value over time, as you won’t need to replace the battery as often. The lifespan is influenced by factors like the battery’s chemistry, how often it’s cycled, and its operating conditions.

6. Manufacturer

Not all solar batteries are made equal. The reputation and reliability of the manufacturer matter. Opt for a reputable brand with a track record of producing high-quality, durable products. Look for reviews, customer testimonials, and third-party certifications to ensure you’re getting a reliable product.

In Conclusion:

Investing in a solar battery can be a game-changer for those looking to maximize their solar energy utilization or have backup power during outages. By understanding and considering the factors listed above, you can make an informed decision, ensuring you get the best solar battery tailored to your energy needs. Remember, the initial cost might be high, but the long-term savings and environmental benefits make solar batteries a worthy investment.

Typically, they last from 5 to 25 years.

Solar batteries, on average, have a lifespan ranging from 5 to 25 years. Among these, lithium-ion batteries are the most common and can serve up to 15 years. The lifespan of a solar battery can be influenced by its type, how it’s installed, its depth of discharge, the number of charge cycles, the surrounding environment, and how well it’s maintained.

Hanchu Lithium batteries offer a 12-year standard warranty.

Homeowners are increasingly considering battery storage for several pivotal reasons:

  1. Pursuit of Independence: Many homeowners aspire to be self-reliant, desiring to power their homes using the electricity they generate personally.
  2. Solar-Powered Transportation: With solar power, homeowners can charge their cars even if they’re away during sunlight hours. By storing the harvested solar energy in home batteries, they can later use it to fuel their vehicles upon returning.
  3. Supporting the Grid: Home batteries help diminish the strain on the electricity grid during peak hours (typically between 16:30 and 19:30 on weekdays). This not only streamlines and reduces the cost of the UK’s electricity system but also reduces the necessity for as many fossil fuel-based power stations due to decreased peak demand.
  4. Backup During Outages: Certain battery models offer the advantage of tapping into stored energy during power outages, ensuring uninterrupted power supply.
  5. Economical Electricity Consumption: Home batteries provide the option to store cost-efficient night-time electricity, ensuring homeowners always utilize the most affordable electricity available, be it from solar panels or the grid.

If you’re presently benefiting from feed-in-tariff (FiT) payments for the electricity produced by your solar PV, adding a home battery system won’t impact these payments. While the FiT program ceased for home solar PV systems set up from 1st April 2019 onwards, households already enrolled in the scheme will continue receiving their payments for the agreed contract period (typically 20 years post-installation) even if they integrate a home battery system.

The Hanchu & Lux Power Tek home battery system simply stores electricity for later use in your home. Energy needs in a household fluctuate throughout the day, especially during times when family members are away. Often, electricity generated by solar panels during these times isn’t fully used. And when there’s no sunlight or during poor weather, your solar panels can’t produce energy, necessitating a draw from the grid. With a home battery, you have stored solar power at the ready before relying on grid electricity.

Furthermore, Hanchu Home battery systems can tap into cost-effective grid tariffs, such as those from Octopus Energy. This allows you to charge your batteries at lower rates and use the stored energy when grid prices spike.

The notion that one must purchase as many Hanchu Lithium home batteries as possible is unfounded. The Hanchu Ess battery series, when paired with Lux Power Tek Inverters & Lux Power AC controllers, is modular. This allows for a flexible approach where you can begin with just one or two batteries and monitor their performance. The Lux or Hanchu monitoring data will quickly indicate if more batteries are needed.

Should you have any uncertainties, a representative from Home Energy Group is available to analyze your data and advise on the potential benefits of adding more batteries.