Home Solar Battery Storage

Lux Power Battery Storage Systems Designed Around your Life Style 

Utilize Lux Power Battery Storage In Three Ways!

New Solar Installations

Existing Solar Systems

Without Solar

New Solar Installations 

When you’re considering adding a solar energy system to your home or business, or if you’re thinking of replacing an existing standard solar inverter, you might want to consider hybrid units. A hybrid inverter is an integrated solution that combines both a solar inverter and a battery storage system into a single device. This integration offers a more efficient and streamlined approach to managing your solar energy.

These hybrid inverters come in a variety of output capacities to suit different sizes of solar systems. You can find them in several power ratings such as 3.6 kW, 5 kW, 6 kW, 7 kW, and 12 kW, and they are designed for single-phase electrical systems. This range of options ensures that there’s a suitable hybrid inverter for virtually any size of residential or commercial solar installation.

One of the key features of these Lux Power Hybrid inverters is their flexibility in battery connectivity. They allow you to connect anywhere from 1 to 16 Lithium-ion batteries. This versatility means you can customize your storage capacity based on your specific energy needs and usage patterns. With this setup, you can efficiently store energy generated by your solar panels or even draw energy from the grid when tariffs are lower. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re on a time-of-use electricity plan, allowing you to charge your batteries when grid energy is cheapest.

By using a hybrid inverter, you can effectively tailor your energy usage to your lifestyle. It enables a more self-sufficient energy management system, reducing dependence on the grid and potentially lowering your energy costs. The ability to store solar energy or take advantage of lower grid tariffs makes these hybrid inverters a smart choice for those looking to maximize their solar investment and adapt to an evolving energy landscape.

Existing Solar Installations 

The integration of solar power into a home’s energy system can be significantly enhanced by using devices like the Lux Power AC retrofit controller or the Lux Power Squirrel pod units. These controllers play a crucial role in managing the flow of solar energy in a residential setting.

When a home is equipped with solar panels, they often generate more electricity than is immediately needed. Without a proper management system, this excess power would typically be sent back to the electrical grid. However, with a device like the Lux Power AC retrofit controller, this surplus solar energy is not wasted. Instead, the controller redirects the excess power to charge batteries installed in the home. This stored energy can then be used later, particularly during times when solar generation is low or when electricity from the grid is more expensive.

The Lux Power Squirrel pod units function similarly to the Lux Power AC controllers but come with additional features. They have different hardware, allowing them to be more versatile. One of the key advantages of the Squirrel pod units is their scalability. You can link multiple Squirrel pod units together, which increases both the rate at which batteries can be charged and discharged and the overall battery capacity. This scalability is particularly beneficial for homeowners who anticipate their energy needs growing in the future, as it allows for a gradual expansion of the solar energy system.

These systems are designed to maximize the use of solar energy and reduce reliance on the grid. By charging batteries with surplus solar energy or during periods when energy tariffs are lower (as offered by companies like Octopus Energy, EDF, or E-on), homeowners can use the stored energy during peak times when energy tariffs are higher. This strategy can lead to significant savings on energy bills, as it allows homeowners to rely less on expensive grid electricity and more on their cheaper, stored solar energy.

In essence, the Lux Power AC and Squirrel pod units are smart energy solutions that optimize the use of solar power in a household, enhancing both energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Without Solar

The Lux Power AC retrofit controller and the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units are innovative solutions for homes without solar panels, designed to optimize energy usage and reduce electricity bills. The Lux Power AC is a standard unit used for managing home energy systems. In contrast, the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units are an advanced version of the Lux Power AC, featuring different hardware that offers enhanced capabilities.

One of the key advantages of the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units is their modular design, allowing for the connection of multiple units. This connectivity not only increases the charge and discharge rates but also boosts the overall battery capacity. Such a feature is particularly beneficial for homeowners who may consider expanding their energy storage systems in the future.

The primary function of these units is to leverage lower energy tariffs offered by providers like Octopus Energy, EDF, or E-on Energy. They work by charging the home’s battery storage system when energy prices are low. Later, this stored energy can be used during peak hours when energy tariffs are higher. By doing so, these units enable homeowners to utilize cheaper electricity to power their homes during expensive tariff periods, thereby minimizing their overall energy costs.

This approach is particularly advantageous for managing household energy expenses, as it allows homeowners to take advantage of fluctuating energy prices. By storing energy when it’s cheap and using it when it’s more expensive, the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units provide an efficient way to reduce electricity bills to a minimum. This system represents a smart investment for those looking to optimize their energy usage and save money in the long run, especially in areas with significant variations in energy tariffs.

The Lux Power AC retrofit controller and the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units are innovative solutions for homes without solar panels, designed to optimize energy usage and reduce electricity bills. The Lux Power AC is a standard unit used for managing home energy systems. In contrast, the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units are an advanced version of the Lux Power AC, featuring different hardware that offers enhanced capabilities.

One of the key advantages of the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units is their modular design, allowing for the connection of multiple units. This connectivity not only increases the charge and discharge rates but also boosts the overall battery capacity. Such a feature is particularly beneficial for homeowners who may consider expanding their energy storage systems in the future.

The primary function of these units is to leverage lower energy tariffs offered by providers like Octopus Energy, EDF, or E-on Energy. They work by charging the home’s battery storage system when energy prices are low. Later, this stored energy can be used during peak hours when energy tariffs are higher. By doing so, these units enable homeowners to utilize cheaper electricity to power their homes during expensive tariff periods, thereby minimizing their overall energy costs.

This approach is particularly advantageous for managing household energy expenses, as it allows homeowners to take advantage of fluctuating energy prices. By storing energy when it’s cheap and using it when it’s more expensive, the Lux Power Squirrel Pod units provide an efficient way to reduce electricity bills to a minimum. This system represents a smart investment for those looking to optimize their energy usage and save money in the long run, especially in areas with significant variations in energy tariffs.

Which Batteries Work With The Lux Power Range?

Uhome 2.4kWh

Hanchu 3.2kWh

Hanchu 9.4kWh

Battery Storage FAQ’s

How Does Battery Storage Work?

The Lux Power units offer an advanced and fully automated system for managing solar energy in a residential setting. These units are designed to seamlessly integrate with your home’s power supply and solar panels. Here’s a detailed breakdown of their functionality:

Solar Charging: The system smartly monitors the energy produced by your solar panels. When it detects excess solar power that is not being used within the property, it automatically redirects this surplus energy to charge the batteries. This process ensures that the solar energy is utilized efficiently, reducing waste and maximizing the use of renewable resources.

Off-Peak Charging: In addition to solar charging, the Lux Power units are capable of charging from off-peak power sources. This means that if solar power is insufficient, especially during nighttime or cloudy days, the system can draw electricity from the grid during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower. This feature helps in maintaining a full charge in the batteries while keeping the energy costs down.

Automatic Functionality and Power Management: The core of the Lux Power system lies in its intelligent automatic functionality. The system constantly monitors and analyzes your home’s power demand and the solar energy available. If the household demand exceeds the solar generation, or when solar power is not available, the system automatically discharges the batteries. This action ensures a continuous power supply, either by supplementing the solar generation or by completely powering the house.

The system is capable of adapting to varying power demands, thanks to its different controllers which can manage different amounts of power flowing in and out of the batteries.

The suitability of a particular Lux Power unit for a home depends on the size of the power demand of that home. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider your home’s power requirements when selecting a Lux Power unit.

The Lux Power units offer a sophisticated and automated solution for optimizing the use of solar energy in homes, ensuring efficient energy use, cost savings, and a reliable power supply.

Can Battery Storage Charge From Off Peak Cheap Electricity?

Integrating a battery storage system with an energy provider that offers cost-effective electricity rates can significantly enhance the value derived from the storage system. Lux Power systems are designed to capitalize on this by charging the batteries with the most affordable electricity available to a property. This integration is not only efficient but also user-friendly. For example, Lux Power provides seamless charging programs compatible with energy suppliers like Octopus Energy, facilitating an effortless and economical charging process. These charging programs are offered at no additional cost to Lux Power customers, making it a budget-friendly solution for optimizing energy usage and costs.

How Many Batteries Do I Need?

Grappling with the nuances of your energy consumption patterns can often seem challenging. However, with a bit of straightforward advice from our technical team, you can more easily determine the optimal number of storage batteries to initially incorporate into your setup. The number key to working out how many batteries you will require is simply down to a few factors:

  • How much Solar PV do you Export
  • What is the house consumption on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis
  • Understand what is your Peak demand of energy? i.e. 5pm to 7pm when you come home from work! what is the maximum energy you pull at a single time?
  • Do you have access to cheap energy tariffs through the night! if so what is the time period 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hours

After the installation of your Lux power system, the monitoring tools it includes will provide you with a detailed and comprehensible overview of both your solar energy generation and your household’s energy usage. It’s important to approach this process with the knowledge that expanding your system by adding more batteries later on is a straightforward and uncomplicated procedure.

Can I Add Batteries To My Solar System?

Many models of Lux Power energy storage units are designed with the flexibility to support the installation of up to eight batteries. However, certain models have the capacity to accommodate an even larger number of batteries, allowing for a maximum of sixteen. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who may need to expand their energy storage capacity in the future. The process of adding extra batteries to these units is straightforward and user-friendly, providing an easy option for users to enhance their stored energy capacity at a later time if their needs evolve or increase.

What Happens In A Power Cut?

When setting up a Lux Power system, one of the key features you can enable is the EPS (Emergency Power Supply). This system is specifically designed to provide power to essential appliances and outlets in your home during a power outage. It’s important to note that the EPS isn’t intended to power your entire house. Instead, it focuses on maintaining electricity to a select number of critical loads, such as a few emergency sockets. These designated areas will continue to receive power during a blackout. Once the main power grid is back online, the EPS will seamlessly switch back to using grid power.

It’s crucial to discuss the installation and specifics of the EPS system with your installer to ensure proper setup and functionality. Particularly for those who have the Hybrid range of Lux Power units, there’s an additional feature called ‘Islanding Mode’. In the event of a power cut, this mode enables the photovoltaic (PV) system to keep charging the batteries. At the same time, it ensures that the EPS supply continues to function, providing uninterrupted power to the critical loads. This setup not only offers reliability during power outages but also maximizes the use of solar energy in emergency situations.

What Is The Monitoring For My Battery System?

The Lux Power monitoring system, included at no additional cost with every Lux Power unit, offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing your system. This versatile monitoring platform is accessible via a dedicated app, designed for seamless use on mobile phones and tablets. Alternatively, users can access the monitoring through the Lux Power server, which is compatible with laptops and PCs.

This monitoring service not only provides an abundance of data regarding your system’s performance but also enables straightforward adjustments for charging or discharging your system. Enhancing this package is the inclusion of the “Octopus Agile auto charge” feature, a sophisticated tool that optimizes charging schedules. Furthermore, the monitoring system includes a unique ‘weather compensation’ program. This feature allows users to tailor their off-peak charging settings based on local weather conditions, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

An important aspect of the Lux Power monitoring system is its dynamic nature. The system continuously evolves with technological advancements, and users benefit from automatic, complimentary upgrades whenever new features or improvements are released. This ensures that your system remains up-to-date with the latest enhancements, providing an ever-improving user experience and system performance.

Optimized Solar Systems

Tigo technology offers higher energy output through your PV power optimisers and solar inverters, exceptional safety features, and advanced module-level monitoring for your Solar PV System

Solar & Battery Storage

By adding Solar Panels and Battery Storage to your property, you can reduce your annual energy bills by up to 70%. Solar PV Systems, generate electricity directly from the sun, avoiding the use of fossil fuels, and focusing solely on green energy.

Optimized Solar & Battery Storage

By combining both optimisers and Battery storage to your Solar PV system you are now benefiting from maximizing your generation from your solar PV panels and storing everything that you would normally export, to use when you really need the power.